Published 6.02.2018
Ocean Installer has recently secured multiple contract awards from Statoil, significantly strengthening its order backlog for the coming years. The awards include a substantial contract for marine operations on the Johan Castberg project in the Barents Sea as well as separate contracts for Subsea Lines Modification work in 2018 and SLM work scheduled for the 2019 and 2020 seasons.
Ocean Installer continues building on its strong track record on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, securing three substantial contracts with Statoil. The first contract is for marine operations on the Johan Castberg project in the Barents Sea.
Johan Castberg is amongst the largest subsea projects ever to be developed on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The field development spans the Skrugard, Havis and Drivis discoveries, located approximately 240 km from Hammerfest and 100 km north of Snøhvit. The field sits at water depths from 360 to 405 meters. The contract is significant in size and will extend Ocean Installer’s operations to the Barents Sea for the first time. Ocean Installer will be involved with Johan Castberg throughout the entire development phase, until the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit is hooked up in 2022, with offshore operations in the summer seasons from 2019-2022. Through this award, Ocean Installer will gain specific and unique experience in the far north region, which is expected to be a major growth area in coming years.
The second and third contracts comprise Subsea Lines Modification (SLM) work from 2018 through 2020 on the Snorre, Troll, Njord, Åsgard, Bauge, Fenja and Dvalin fields. The first SLM contract is set to commence in Q2 of 2018, with offshore activities containing complex riser change-out operations. The second contract Ocean Installer has secured for Subsea Lines Modification is a part of Statoil’s Marine Wave scheme. This is the third Marine Wave, and Ocean Installer participated in the previous two as well. Offshore operations under this contract are scheduled for the 2019 and 2020 seasons, and includes firm work on the Njord Future, Bauge, Fenja and Dvalin projects, with significant options to broaden the scope of the contract.
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