Published 22.09.2015
HitecVision is pleased to announce that Jan Harald Solstad will join the company on the 1st October as Senior Partner. For the last five years Jan Harald has been CEO of Core Energy AS, a HitecVision Fund V portfolio company.
Jan Harald started his career at oil company Conoco, where he worked in Norway as an economist and business analyst and later in London as an oil trader and risk manager. Following a period heading E&Y’s Norwegian E&P corporate finance team, he founded the corporate finance firm SB Finans in 2003, which grew to become a leading boutique advisor to the Norwegian E&P industry. The company later became part of investment bank RS Platou Markets, still under Jan Harald’s leadership. In 2010, Jan Harald established Core Energy, together with a team of experienced oil company executives with financial backing from HitecVision. Over the last five years, Core has been developed into a successful independent oil and gas company.
Jan Harald holds an MSc degree in Business and Economics from Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland.