Published 4.11.2008
In the meeting of the board of directors of HitecVision Private Equity AS held on 31st October it was resolved to call an extraordinary general meeting to propose payment of an extraordinary dividend of NOK 40 million and to change the company name to HitecVision AS.
Stavanger, 4th November 2008: The board of directors of HitecVision Private Equity AS has resolved to call an extraordinary general meeting to propose the following:
– Payment of an extraordinary dividend of NOK 40 million, corresponding to NOK 2.17 per share.
– Change the company name to HitecVision AS. HitecVision has become a strong brand name and is the term mostly used both externally and internally, whereas the Private Equity element has been gradually less used over the past years.
The extraordinary general meeting will be held on Monday, 17th November at HitecVision’s headquarter, Jåttåvågveien 7, Stavanger.